Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The principle of a "Little" Part 3

This is a continuation of the list of things in my life that applies to the Principle of a Little. See The Principle of a "Little" Part 1 & 2.

6.Writing a book
I speak on this only because I have just published my first book - Tricks My dog Taught Me – A Smart Woman’s Thoughts on Saving a Relationship. This can be found at or Being a single mother of two young boys, an engineer and a homeowner I never have enough time. But I followed the Principle of a Little and after 4 ½ years I had my book published, and I self published it. It meant writing when I had a chance so I always walked with a notebook and a pen. It meant doing the research a little at a time and being patience with myself. It meant having the drive to keep at the project after a year had passed and nothing was really accomplished. It meant having a little more motivation each time.

7.Training children
It is a slow brainwash, I think, and if you have goals for your children such as principles you want to instill, a religious believe you want them to learn, then you have to go at it everyday (almost) in small portions and eventually they will get it, they really do. When I hear my children repeating my language and principles to others I know that I am succeeding. My goal is that my kids will be the best that they can be.

This principle, however, does not apply to a ladies handbag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Priscella, on the publication of your book!
What an accomplishment to be proud of!
Thanks, too for visiting my blog today.
Hope to see you back again at zany life.